Dear Mr. Marcus:

Please accept my sincere thanks for helping my son Kevin in the choice and purchase of an engagement ring. It was an absolute pleasure to have met you and a real joy to meet someone these days with a "life" philosophy that they exten to their business dealings.

Having done business myself in about a dozen countries and meeitng people of different philosophies and busines ethics, I can't tell you how refreshing it was to meet a guy who I believe can get up every day, look himself in teh mirror and know his conscience is clear because he conducts his business the way he conducts his life.

I have endeavored to pass my business and life ethic to my own son and I am really proud of how he conducts his life. I guess when all is said and done, it comes down to how our progeny carry on our own personal legacy. I suspect Kevin will be doing business with your son long after you and I are gone. And, after viewing your website, my wife is trying to get me out to dinner somewhere near you and perhaps, just....drop by!!...hahahaha

Thank you Mr. Marcus
You have my absolute respect.


Arthur V. Martin
Bluffton, SC.